Hulu weeks away from offering subscription service, support for iPad, Xbox 360. Will you pay?
Summary: It’s no secret that Hulu has been readying a subscription service for the older shows it offers for online viewing, but Reuters reports that the site is now just a month or two away from launching. In addition, Hulu is readying support for additional devices, such as the iPad and Xbox 360.The moves will put [...]
It’s no secret that Hulu has been readying a subscription service for the older shows it offers for online viewing, but Reuters reports that the site is now just a month or two away from launching. In addition, Hulu is readying support for additional devices, such as the iPad and Xbox 360.
The moves will put Hulu more in competition with Netflix for the streaming video market. Netflix supports both the Apple tablet and Microsoft’s videogame console, but Hulu currently won’t work with the iPad’s browser, which everybody knows does not support Adobe Flash. New episodes of popular TV shows will still be free on Hulu, at least for the time being.
Whether the paid service will succeed ultimately comes down to how cheap the subscription is, and what kind of restrictions Hulu puts on it—for instance, what constitutes “older” content that would fall under the subscription plan. With people already paying for TV and probably videos through Netflix, Redbox, or Blockbuster, is there room in the old wallet for Hulu’s content? How much would you pay for a Hulu subscription, if anything? Let us know your opinion by voting in the poll below.
Hulu,名字源於大陸普通話「葫蘆」的發音, 是一個免費觀看正版影視節目的網際網路網站,它和全美許多著名電視台以及電影公司達成協定,透過授權點播模式向使用者提供視訊資源。由於各國對版權的法規 有差異,其視訊節目目前只對美國本土使用者開放。公司在洛杉磯、紐約和北京三地辦公。