Is Apple able to keep up with Android?
Summary: I am convinced that Apple will need to do something really big during WWDC this year to make sure they don’t lose their mobile mojo. Since the iPhone 4 hardware has already leaked, and they have already announced new features for their new mobile operating system, they better have something else up their sleeve [...]I am convinced that Apple will need to do something really big during WWDC this year to make sure they don’t lose their mobile mojo. Since the iPhone 4 hardware has already leaked, and they have already announced new features for their new mobile operating system, they better have something else up their sleeve for developers attending this year’s event.
Google scored some serious points this year — announcing Flash 10.1 on the new Android 2.2 operating system, and other cool features like the ability to turn your phone into a wireless hotspot. Apple stuck with their guns by saying that Adobe sucks, and that they don’t care people want Flash.
I am a big fan of the user experience of iPhone — but to be honest, Froyo is absolutely amazing, and is the first iteration of Android that has made me get excited about the future of the operating system.
For the last two years, Google has been doing massive giveaways to developers that went to their Google I/O developer conference. This year, they even gave away two phones — the Nexus One or Motorola Droid (depending on the country you live in), and the Sprint EVO 4G. In my mind, a giveaway like this is the only thing WWDC attendees this year might have to look forward to.
With the content of Jobs’ keynote speech under the usual wraps, it’s difficult to know what Steve may be up to when he responded to an email yesterday:

沒幾天前 NPD 的調查結果,那個啥 Android 手機全美單季(10Q1)市佔超越 iPhone 這回事,聽在蘋果的耳裡,果然是不太舒服;今天他們家接受 AllThingsD 的 John Paczkowski 訪問時,是這樣說的:
另外這份調查,也只不過是在反應 10Q1 美國智慧型手機的市佔,蘋果拿全球市佔來壓,不過是想要換換話題,顯然是公關的『政治用語』罷了;然而事實擺在眼前,Android 第一季全美市佔超過了 iPhone,是否能夠反應出消費者開始用行動表示他們對於 iPhone 的不滿了呢?或許這點更值得蘋果來關心吧!
Google scored some serious points this year — announcing Flash 10.1 on the new Android 2.2 operating system, and other cool features like the ability to turn your phone into a wireless hotspot. Apple stuck with their guns by saying that Adobe sucks, and that they don’t care people want Flash.
I am a big fan of the user experience of iPhone — but to be honest, Froyo is absolutely amazing, and is the first iteration of Android that has made me get excited about the future of the operating system.
For the last two years, Google has been doing massive giveaways to developers that went to their Google I/O developer conference. This year, they even gave away two phones — the Nexus One or Motorola Droid (depending on the country you live in), and the Sprint EVO 4G. In my mind, a giveaway like this is the only thing WWDC attendees this year might have to look forward to.
With the content of Jobs’ keynote speech under the usual wraps, it’s difficult to know what Steve may be up to when he responded to an email yesterday:
“I hope you have some good WWDC announcements to blow [Google] out of the water”. — Bryan WebsterIf Apple doesn’t do something interesting, I fear that Google is going to continue on their growth curve, and dominate the mobile space. That said, I’m excited to see what Steve has to say on June 7th — I’m sure everyone is.
“You won’t be disappointed”. — Steve Jobs
Android 手機全美單季市佔超車?蘋果:『我們都看全球的!』
文 章分類: 智慧型手機
沒幾天前 NPD 的調查結果,那個啥 Android 手機全美單季(10Q1)市佔超越 iPhone 這回事,聽在蘋果的耳裡,果然是不太舒服;今天他們家接受 AllThingsD 的 John Paczkowski 訪問時,是這樣說的:
而 Paczkowski 在文中對於蘋果回應的評論,一方面認為 iPhone 確實在全球市佔上,還是有一定的領先,但也覺得蘋果把 iPod touch 拉下來算,有點偷雞就是,畢竟這項調查的重點,是『全美』智慧型手機的市佔,也非行動裝置作業系統相關的數據。(真要比,Android OS 有微 波爐,iPhone OS 有嗎?)這項調查結果可以說是相當的狹隘,僅以 150,000 的美國消費者上網填寫問卷為參考,那 iPhone 跟 iPod touch 全世界加起來有超過 8500 萬的使用者,這數據難道就這樣被忽略了嗎?另外根據 IDC 的數據,現在 iPhone 在智慧型手機這塊的全球市佔大約是 16.1%,遠遠超過了 Android 的市佔率;上一季 iPhone 銷售成長甚至是來到了 131%,加上不久後即將推出 iPhone OS 4.0,老實 說,短期間我們並沒有看到啥來自競爭對手的壓力。
另外這份調查,也只不過是在反應 10Q1 美國智慧型手機的市佔,蘋果拿全球市佔來壓,不過是想要換換話題,顯然是公關的『政治用語』罷了;然而事實擺在眼前,Android 第一季全美市佔超過了 iPhone,是否能夠反應出消費者開始用行動表示他們對於 iPhone 的不滿了呢?或許這點更值得蘋果來關心吧!